Thanks to donations from neighbours like you, the Rockcliffe Park Foundation is able to make a real difference by providing the funds for our community’s programs and events.

When you donate, you fund the Rockcliffe newsletter and Rockcliffe Park Residents Association events including our neighbourhood’s Heritage Walk, Movie Night, Rockcliffe Community Tree Day, Speakers Program, and our Children’s Holiday Party.

Donations also support the Foundation’s commitment to ongoing environmental and conservation programs in Rockcliffe Park. These include water testing at the Pond and McKay Lake, tree planting to preserve our maturing tree canopy, maintenance of the sports field at Rockcliffe Park Public School and Jubilee Garden, and conservation initiatives including the data collection project this summer on Pond use so that efforts at both conservation and continued access to the Pond can be maintained.

The Rockcliffe Park Foundation relies entirely upon donations from our community. Please give now and help support Rockcliffe for the enjoyment of present and future residents and visitors.

Donations can be made online through CanadaHelps using the “I’ll Give Now” button below.

Donations are tax-deductible and can be one-time or monthly contributions.

Or donate by cheque: Please make cheque payable to the Rockcliffe Park Foundation. Mail or deliver it to: Rockcliffe Park Foundation, 25 Westward Way, Rockcliffe ON K1L 5A8.

More Ways to Give

We are happy to discuss other ways you can help strengthen our community’s investment fund. Learn how to create a gift in yours or a loved one’s will and support the community for future generations.

Please contact Jane Newcombe to discuss.

Jane Newcombe 